Protective Orders

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Protective Orders Attorney In Savannah, Georgia

Understanding Protective Orders in Georgia

At The Law Office of Kurtis C. Bronston, LLC, we understand that navigating the complex legal landscape surrounding protective orders can be incredibly daunting and overwhelming for many individuals. A protective order, which is sometimes referred to as a restraining order, is a crucial legal safeguard granted by the court to individuals who are facing threats or harm from another person. In Georgia, these orders are frequently sought in cases involving domestic violence, harassment, and stalking, where the safety and well-being of individuals are at stake. If you find yourself in a situation where you urgently need this type of legal protection, it becomes essential to comprehend not only your rights but also the intricate process involved in obtaining such an order. Our dedicated team is here to assist you in navigating these challenging circumstances with empathy and experience.

Call The Law Office of Kurtis C. Bronston, LLC at 912-600-3352 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

The Process of Obtaining a Protective Order

Obtaining a protective order in Georgia typically involves filing a petition with the court. This petition outlines the reasons you are seeking protection and includes any relevant evidence that supports your case. Once filed, a judge will review your petition, which may lead to a temporary protective order being issued right away. A court hearing is usually scheduled within thirty days to discuss the matter further, allowing both parties to present their case.

Throughout this process, having a knowledgeable advocate on your side can make a significant difference. Kurtis Bronston will guide you through each step, ensuring that your concerns are addressed and your voice is heard. His goal is to help you secure the protection you need to feel safe and protected in your daily life.

Violating Protective Orders: Know Your Rights

It's crucial to understand that protective orders are serious legal documents designed to safeguard individuals from potential harm. They carry significant weight in the legal system, and if the individual named in the order violates its terms, they could face substantial legal consequences, including arrest and serious criminal charges. If you believe that someone has violated a protective order that has been issued for your protection, it’s essential to take immediate and decisive action. Make sure to thoroughly document any incidents of violation, noting the dates, times, and nature of each event. Additionally, reach out promptly to law enforcement or seek legal counsel to discuss your options and understand the best course of action you can take in your specific situation.

At The Law Office of Kurtis C. Bronston, LLC, Kurtis is dedicated to ensuring that you fully understand your rights under a protective order, as well as the crucial steps you can take if those rights are threatened or violated. Your safety and well-being are his top priorities, and he is here to provide the guidance and support you need during this challenging and often overwhelming time. Together, we can navigate the legal complexities and work towards a resolution that restores your sense of security.

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Have Questions?

Call The Law Office of Kurtis C. Bronston, LLC at 912-600-3352 today. We are available during normal working hours, but also maintain a 24/7 phone availability. If you need a consultation on a weekend or evening, we can provide that for you.

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